1.   Coconut cream pie with fresh coconut for dessert.

2.   Difficult tasks like pitting a ripe avocado or opening a fresh coconut can be completed in a flash.

3.   Follow the meal with a towering fresh coconut cake and strong Cuban coffee, spiced with a bit of cinnamon just for the holiday.

4.   I recovered over the soothing fresh coconut flan.

5.   I can easily get rapturous about dense fresh coconut stuck together with a little richness, packed into a nutty crust and baked to caramely brown.

6.   Ice with Double Boiler Icing and sprinkle thickly with fresh coconut.

7.   It may not have been the assigned destination, but the burger was top-notch, as was the fluffy fresh coconut cream pie.

8.   It was green everywhere, and we could eat the fresh coconuts and breadfruit.

9.   James McNair relies on fresh coconut meat and coconut milk for this white cake with a smooth filling and whipped cream frosting.

10.   Shrimp curry with fresh coconut spews like lava down a mountain of rice over chunks of juicy pineapple and shards of sweet red pepper.

a. + coconut >>共 96
toasted 9.18%
fresh 8.16%
desiccated 5.61%
shredded 5.10%
grated 3.57%
falling 3.06%
flaked 2.55%
dried 2.55%
remaining 2.04%
uprooted 2.04%
fresh + n. >>共 1012
fruit 3.80%
air 3.73%
water 3.11%
start 2.63%
election 2.19%
herb 1.35%
flower 1.28%
food 1.25%
vegetable 1.20%
lead 1.17%
coconut 0.11%
每页显示:    共 16