1.   The foundation said yesterday, the start of National Cot Death Appeal Week, there is a vital need to discover how and why babies are still dying.

2.   Already one foundation has said it will withdraw its support of Lincoln Center if the painting is sold, and other donors may follow.

3.   At that point, the foundation said the option had expired.

4.   At times, the foundation has said the true clients of the ad campaign are teenagers.

5.   But some foundations said that they had not been solicited, while others have opted for different strategies for improving public education.

6.   But the foundation said it was never notified about Respigam.

7.   DARE had the network in schools nationwide, but a program that the foundation said was less than effective.

8.   Even a continued expansion of the national economy cannot, by itself, guarantee similar good times for Massachusetts, the foundation said.

9.   Foundation said Monday that its offer was no longer on the table but would not elaborate further.

10.   HOV lanes are less cost-effective than other pollution-cutting methods, the foundation said.

n. + say >>共 480
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foundation 0.02%
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be 14.67%
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