1.   He promised a strike unless the Apollo foundation gave the union a signed agreement before Monday.

2.   If the foundation gives money to a school, for instance, it tries to calculate how many kids are performing better for it.

3.   In the past the foundation has given money to projects that had difficulty getting support elsewhere because of their political content.

4.   Money that foundations give directly is generally in pretty small sums.

5.   Nonetheless, their foundation gave them an all-purpose technique.

6.   The foundation also gives grants to schools that foster work experience outside academia for PhDs.

7.   The foundation gave a special award to several journalists, and also to Bud Greenspan and Nancy Beffa of Cappy Productions, chroniclers of the human side of sport.

8.   The foundation gave the school the money five months after the donation arrived, but the school district then had trouble hiring a part-time counselor.

9.   The foundation gives grants to promote human rights and civil liberties around the world.

10.   The foundation gives most of its money to education, health and rural development projects in the United States, Latin America and Africa.

n. + give >>共 1240
government 2.60%
official 2.49%
report 1.96%
company 1.46%
law 1.37%
police 1.14%
doctor 1.00%
deal 0.95%
victory 0.94%
authority 0.92%
foundation 0.08%
foundation + v. >>共 389
be 14.67%
say 4.89%
have 4.76%
provide 2.32%
support 1.76%
help 1.57%
give 1.50%
raise 1.44%
receive 1.32%
plan 1.25%
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