1.   As the fogs lifts, a range of the Himalayas appears to the east, awesome in its height, regally capped in new snow.

2.   As the morning ground fog lifts, Allied fighters and bombers pounce on the enemy.

3.   Meanwhile, after pockets of valley fog lift, an area of high pressure will provide sunny, seasonable conditions for most of the Northeast.

4.   Ride the windy Pan American highway north out of Quito at dawn as the fog lifts.

5.   When the fog lifts, call us.

n. + lift >>共 145
face 34.05%
leg 4.05%
wheelchair 3.78%
air 3.24%
fork 1.89%
eye 1.62%
scissor 1.62%
fog 1.35%
boat 1.08%
gondola 1.08%
fog + n. >>共 57
light 14.67%
lamp 12.67%
horn 7.33%
machine 6.00%
lift 3.33%
droplet 2.67%
danger 2.00%
bell 2.00%
visibility 2.00%
form 2.00%
每页显示:    共 5