1.   But a perfectly fixed gaze, as you will see, has its hazards.

2.   It probably has to do with his fixed gaze and lack of response when people talk to him.

3.   Their fixed gazes, made more stark by contrasting shadows, invite the pilgrim to imagine the lonely horror of the soldier whose constant companion is fear.

4.   With a fixed gaze, Madeleine Kamman watched the gently rolling chicken broth simmer around the endive on the stove.

5.   Her voice was weak and her eyes stared in a fixed gaze.

a. + gaze >>共 193
steady 5.85%
public 4.00%
watchful 3.69%
steely 3.38%
penetrating 2.46%
direct 1.85%
piercing 1.54%
fixed 1.54%
dark 1.54%
searching 1.54%
fixed + n. >>共 453
income 10.96%
rate 9.09%
cost 5.69%
price 4.89%
amount 4.44%
asset 3.30%
payment 2.57%
line 2.36%
number 1.98%
fee 1.77%
gaze 0.17%
每页显示:    共 5