1.   As is customary, you will be paid a fixed fee for the job.

2.   Many workers in the private sector receive some payment as a fixed fee independent of the value of their Marginal product.

3.   More serious to the surveying practice is the job which has a fixed fee and runs over budgeted time.

4.   Remortgage legal services available for a single fixed fee.

5.   The fixed fee element above is not contingent on a deal being completed.

6.   The fixed fee interview scheme has not been successful.

7.   The Host Connection Services offer two pricing options-a fixed monthly fee and unlimited usage-or usage based pricing.

8.   The sub-licensees paid a fixed fee, unrelated to their profits, to the taxpayer in Hong Kong.

9.   Although most health maintenance groups offer these fixed fee contracts only to general doctors, some are also beginning to cap fees for specialists.

10.   And when the plan switched its doctors over to fixed monthly fees, the family pediatrician dropped out.

a. + fee >>共 604
legal 8.65%
monthly 5.77%
higher 4.90%
small 3.43%
annual 3.13%
flat 2.90%
licensing 2.87%
additional 2.73%
new 2.56%
high 2.39%
fixed 1.09%
fixed + n. >>共 453
income 10.96%
rate 9.09%
cost 5.69%
price 4.89%
amount 4.44%
asset 3.30%
payment 2.57%
line 2.36%
number 1.98%
fee 1.77%
每页显示:    共 51