legal fee 26.73   He also has legal fees.
  monthly fee 17.84   Monthly monitoring fees vary.
  higher fee 15.14   In theory, such ads should also command higher fees.
  small fee 10.60   A small fee is charged.
  annual fee 9.68   My annual fee.
  flat fee 8.95   The ISVA charge no fee.
  licensing fee 8.89   Increased licensing fees.
  additional fee 8.43   Watch for additional fees.
  new fee 7.90   New fees for a rotten product!
  high fee 7.37   Lawyers charge high fees.
  lower fee 7.11   Even lower fees, they say.
  extra fee 5.20   That includes extra marketing fees.
  late fee 4.94   No more late fees.
  nominal fee 4.87   There is a nominal fee.
  hefty fee 4.21   Those hefty fees are likely only to increase.
  consulting fee 3.55   Funny thing about consulting fees.
  fixed fee 3.36   Some charge a fixed fee for a particular job.
  exorbitant fee 2.90   Some accountants charge exorbitant fees.
  set fee 2.90   There are no set fees in class-action cases.
  huge fee 2.83   Others charge huge up-front fees.
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