1.   It is difficult to read the book without sharing her anger and frustration, or feeling her love of open spaces.

2.   One can feel responsibility without feeling love, otherwise the world would be uninhabited.

3.   How do you feel love?

4.   An old man shouts to keep the people moving so others can feel the love of the saint.

5.   At least some people have observed or felt the love of Christ within me.

6.   After feeling their love, Gadzuric barely felt his pain.

7.   But here, they feel the love.

8.   Calhoun feels the love of his loyal following, but the flip side is never far away.

9.   Can you feel the love?

10.   Can you feel the love tonight?

v. + love >>共 361
make 14.86%
have 5.74%
find 5.08%
share 4.89%
profess 3.08%
express 3.02%
lose 2.48%
show 1.93%
feel 1.93%
develop 1.69%
feel + n. >>共 1382
pain 7.58%
pressure 5.64%
effect 3.98%
pinch 3.25%
quake 3.09%
heat 2.33%
impact 2.24%
sense 2.20%
way 1.70%
need 1.69%
love 0.35%
每页显示:    共 32