make love 16.19   We will make love.
  have love 6.25   Has she had real love?
  find love 5.53   Others find love.
  share love 5.33   Share some love today.
  profess love 3.36   Some profess undying love.
  express love 3.29   They expressed love for their families.
  lose love 2.70   I had lost that love.
  feel love 2.11   He felt the love.
  show love 2.11   They showed love.
  develop love 1.84   I never developed a love of books until late high school.
  declare love 1.65   He openly declared his love for her.
  give love 1.38   It gives love.
  discover love 1.25   Her delight at discovering love is contagious.
  get love 1.25   They get love from Moores.
  send love 1.05   I send them love.
  combine love 0.86   Such a mission statement would combine his love for running with making money.
  instill love 0.86   Several trips to Morocco instilled a love of this region.
  proclaim love 0.86   We had proclaimed our love.
  return love 0.86   That love was returned.
  indulge love 0.79   Teaching lets me to indulge my love of history.
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