1.   Residents fearful of their wells becoming contaminated would like to see the one of the wells moved farther south.

2.   Fearful residents snorted carbolic acid, popped laxatives, refrained from kissing and shied from crowds in the name of prevention.

3.   Some fearful residents have been known to refuse to pull over when flagged down by real police officers.

4.   The administration needs to continue to assure fearful residents.

5.   Aid officials warn the deadly disease could spread outside contained areas in central Zaire if fearful residents ignore warnings and flee.

6.   Aside from military vehicles, there was little traffic on the streets of coastal Ambon as many fearful residents stayed home.

7.   Fearful residents barricaded themselves in their homes, hoping to avoid arsonists and looters before the handover.

8.   Fearful residents began fleeing nearby Limaong Island after the attack on Friday, said Zamboanga City council member Asbi Edding, citing evacuee accounts.

9.   Fearing fresh violence and carrying their most prized possessions, hundreds of fearful residents on Friday boarded a boat scheduled to leave conflict-ridden East Timor.

10.   Fearful residents rarely speak to journalists and none give their names.

a. + resident >>共 1013
local 23.23%
permanent 3.60%
legal 2.95%
longtime 2.94%
former 2.62%
palestinian 2.02%
new 1.84%
elderly 1.55%
angry 1.55%
foreign 1.48%
fearful 0.24%
fearful + n. >>共 235
resident 5.60%
investor 2.93%
people 2.67%
flier 2.40%
worker 1.87%
parent 1.60%
civilian 1.33%
day 1.07%
flyer 1.07%
night 1.07%
每页显示:    共 21