1.   Fearful nights at the hospital were the most dramatic scenes, but even an average day was an adventure for the Shabanis.

2.   Parsons thinks her son is doing well, considering the fearful night the family spent during the storm.

3.   One family describes a fearful night in a tent camp.

4.   Sri Lankans thought the fearful nights of the death squads ended long ago.

a. + night >>共 1063
late 5.67%
second 5.02%
the 4.70%
next 3.71%
previous 3.52%
same 3.47%
last 3.44%
sleepless 3.06%
good 2.55%
long 2.52%
fearful 0.05%
fearful + n. >>共 235
resident 5.60%
investor 2.93%
people 2.67%
flier 2.40%
worker 1.87%
parent 1.60%
civilian 1.33%
day 1.07%
flyer 1.07%
night 1.07%
每页显示:    共 4