1.   And while both candidates favor tax cuts, they differ in methods and degree.

2.   As for the other candidates, Steve Forbes does not favor cuts in legal immigration.

3.   -- None favored tax cuts without spending restraint.

4.   During a break, LeCompte said that neither he nor others in the bus favored cuts in military pay.

5.   Domenici has said he favors tax cuts only after Congress proves it can enact a balanced budget plan.

6.   Fourteen percent said they favored tax cuts.

7.   French President Jacques Chirac said he favored a cut in the sales tax on multimedia products and services to give the industry a boost.

8.   Gen. Hans-Peter von Kirchbach favored fewer cuts in troops and the scale of the draft than those proposed by an independent commission.

9.   Gramm said he favored sharp cuts in the budgets of the Departments of Health and Human Services, Education, and Housing and Urban Development.

10.   Gorton favors tax cuts, as do others in his party.

v. + cut >>共 603
make 16.34%
miss 8.33%
suffer 3.66%
include 2.90%
announce 2.90%
take 2.58%
expect 2.35%
have 2.04%
spend 1.50%
oppose 1.36%
favor 0.74%
favor + n. >>共 1396
right 3.38%
company 1.65%
change 1.59%
independence 1.57%
candidate 1.50%
cut 1.00%
measure 1.00%
idea 0.94%
stock 0.84%
party 0.81%
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