favor right 10.66   All favor abortion rights.
  favor company 5.20   Q. Which specific companies do you favor?
  favor change 5.00   Bush favors the change.
  favor independence 4.94   They favor its independence.
  favor candidate 4.74   Others said they favored different candidates.
  favor cut 3.16   Opposition parties also favor tax cuts.
  favor measure 3.16   Both measures are favored by business.
  favor idea 2.96   Many Democrats favor that idea.
  favor stock 2.63   Which stocks do you favor?
  favor party 2.57   High abstention also has tended to favor the party.
  favor reform 2.50   He favors welfare reform.
  favor bill 2.44   Santorum favors the bill.
  favor plan 2.44   Just over half of Republicans say they favor the plan.
  favor rich 2.44   The Socialists say that would favor the rich.
  favor ban 2.24   One scientist at the conference favored a ban.
  favor election 2.11   Opposition parties favor new elections.
  favor use 2.11   But not all Turks favor the use of force.
  favor action 1.97   The political calculus also favors action.
  favor control 1.84   Some people favor price controls.
  favor legislation 1.84   Sullivan does not favor such legislation.
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