1.   Between ensembles donned for his fashion layout, Mathers brings us up to speed on his life.

2.   He is registered with the MMG agency there and, in addition to his Armani work, has done fashion layouts for Banana Republic and Italian designer Valentino.

3.   His wares also showed up in fashion magazine layouts and even on models in the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue.

4.   Locke worked with Bessette Kennedy on fashion layouts at Calvin Klein.

5.   Now it has boldly asserted itself in full-page fashion layouts.

6.   On the right is the star, Hunter, in overdone makeup and enormous designer earrings, looking like a refugee from a Vogue fashion layout.

7.   While documents are a smaller focus than such high value goods as computer components, fashion layouts or medical instrumentation, its volume is still up.

n. + layout >>共 117
page 11.26%
store 6.06%
office 5.19%
fashion 3.03%
keyboard 3.03%
course 2.60%
photo 2.60%
road 2.16%
ballot 1.73%
newspaper 1.73%
fashion + n. >>共 908
show 9.30%
magazine 4.46%
statement 4.02%
industry 3.89%
world 3.89%
house 3.48%
model 2.83%
editor 2.54%
trend 2.02%
company 1.41%
layout 0.15%
每页显示:    共 7