1.   A large portion of the retirement community goes back home for burial because of family roots.

2.   Carter used a computer program that traces family roots to find some relatives.

3.   Chiles family roots reach deep into Florida soil.

4.   Clinton joined Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy in spotlighting family roots on the Emerald Isle an indirect effort to court Irish-American voters.

5.   Digging into family roots is a popular format for travel these days.

6.   Feel a need to dig up your family roots?

7.   Felix was the son of slaves, and his parents were the children of slaves, and beyond that he had no idea of his family roots....

8.   Grandparents have the best, built-in window to the family roots.

9.   Her family roots are so laced with tennis tradition that you would think she was teethed on a racquet.

10.   I loved the image, the realism of the songs, the wholesome family roots down home.

a. + root >>共 616
deep 8.01%
jewish 2.39%
family 2.23%
strong 1.65%
humble 1.43%
cultural 1.38%
ginger 1.38%
religious 1.22%
new 1.17%
southern 1.17%
family + n. >>共 690
member 29.28%
life 2.91%
friend 2.61%
value 2.36%
business 2.30%
history 1.98%
reunion 1.80%
farm 1.34%
tie 1.09%
tradition 0.92%
root 0.17%
每页显示:    共 42