deep root 9.94   This tension has deep roots.
  jewish root 2.96   By coincidence I am a Pole with Jewish roots.
  family root 2.76   Their family roots are there.
  strong root 2.04   Both have strong mythological roots.
  humble root 1.78   They have never disowned their humble roots.
  cultural root 1.71   Some cultural roots.
  ginger root 1.71   Boiling water is poured over a ground ginger root.
  religious root 1.51   Joseph Curseen Jr., revered his religious roots.
  new root 1.45   This helps protect new roots from breaking in high winds.
  southern root 1.45   I love my Southern roots.
  common root 1.38   But the common roots are still apparent.
  deeper root 1.38   Crime had deeper roots.
  genetic root 1.38   Millennium is currently focusing on the genetic roots of obesity.
  historical root 1.38   This animosity has historical roots.
  shallow root 1.38   Elm trees have shallow roots.
  ancient root 1.25   The accordion has ancient roots.
  rural root 1.25   People use the rodeo to get in touch with their rural roots.
  same root 1.18   But we have the same roots.
  american root 1.12   American roots were laid deep.
  irish root 1.05   Any Irish roots for Holtz?
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