1.   His master explanatory variable is Market capitalism and his dependent variable is peasant rebellion.

2.   The APT allows any number of explanatory variables.

3.   More information can be educed from the proportions recurring across natural groupings of the explanatory variable.

4.   Graphics are generally more readable when explanatory variables are shown along a horizontal axis and outcome variables vertically.

5.   The scales of measurement of explanatory variable and outcome must be considered before selecting a graphic type.

6.   Percents and means for an ordered categorical explanatory variable should be connected between categories so that the eye can judge differences between adjacent pairs of categories.

7.   A detailed case study approach is also called for by the nature of the explanatory variables that will be proposed.

a. + variable >>共 158
key 8.50%
important 4.82%
the 4.53%
continuous 3.97%
only 2.83%
explanatory 2.55%
economic 2.27%
numeric 1.98%
dynamic 1.98%
this 1.98%
explanatory + n. >>共 86
journalism 6.02%
note 6.02%
variable 5.42%
text 4.82%
survey 3.61%
leaflet 3.01%
plaque 3.01%
statement 3.01%
memorandum 2.41%
material 2.41%
每页显示:    共 9