key variable 1.97   Pitching was another key variable in this game.
  important variable 1.12   Education, it turns out, is the most important variable.
  the variable 1.05   The other variable is Notre Dame.
  continuous variable 0.92   Time is a continuous variable.
  only variable 0.66   The only other variable that might affect the takeoff is the weather.
  explanatory variable 0.59   The APT allows any number of explanatory variables.
  economic variable 0.53   Then add an economic variable.
  dynamic variable 0.46   All the dynamic variables are cleared.
  numeric variable 0.46   Any BBCBASIC numeric variable may be used as a label.
  this variable 0.46   A consumer essentially needs to be an accountant to solve these numerous variables.
  major variable 0.39   Another major economic variable will be employment.
  big variable 0.33   The big variable is speed.
  boolean variable 0.33   BBCBASIC does not have true Boolean variables.
  critical variable 0.33   And that proved to be a critical variable.
  intermediate variable 0.33   This intermediate variable then affects aggregate demand.
  biggest variable 0.26   Clearly, the biggest variable is Feely.
  different variable 0.26   Different variables affect the price of oil.
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