1.   Domestication of new animals for their products will probably expand to meet the demands no longer met from wild stock.

2.   Network capacity is being expanded to meet the growing demand for high bandwidth products.

3.   Some new departments were created, and most others expanded to meet the demands of government and industry.

4.   Brewing capacity in Kilkenny has been expanded to meet future anticipated demand.

5.   Charles R. Schwab, the founder and co-chief executive, said the firm had expanded to meet the surging demands of customers during the bull market.

6.   Democrats and anti-hunger groups have harshly criticized this part of the House bill, saying the block grants would not expand to meet increased needs in recessions.

7.   During the Kwanzaa season, she will help conduct an annual public ceremony which has been expanded to meet the growing demand.

8.   For the near future, the ground transportation network is being expanded to meet demand.

9.   In the world of human-source reporting, commercial information services are expanding to meet new demands and opportunities.

10.   Like these, the Argentine plant will be designed so that it can be expanded to meet increased demand, Eastman said.

v. + meet >>共 294
rush 5.00%
use 3.72%
travel 2.95%
seed 2.82%
rise 2.44%
work 2.31%
expand 2.18%
tailor 2.05%
spend 1.92%
will 1.79%
expand + v. >>共 128
include 49.33%
cover 7.47%
accommodate 3.29%
meet 2.54%
fill 2.09%
take 1.94%
allow 1.49%
provide 1.20%
encompass 1.05%
become 1.05%
每页显示:    共 17