1.   Loans are used to meet the financial needs of the business and personal sectors when cash expenditure exceeds cash income.

2.   Wherever possible non-destructive approaches outlined earlier should be used to meet research objectives in preference to excavation.

3.   Any combination of cars and light trucks can be used to meet the percentage rule.

4.   Buckingham acknowledged the request for information had a deadline of Monday, but insisted the campaign did not know that overtime would be used to meet that deadline.

5.   If the federal government raises the mileage standards, no one is sure what method the automakers will use to meet them.

6.   Investors, while skeptical about the arithmetic European Union governments are using to meet single currency goals, are nevertheless rewarding their grit in adopting the necessary budget cuts.

7.   Instead of funding scores of individual programs, the federal government would give states a welfare grant that could be used to meet various local needs.

8.   Most of the money paid into the individual pension accounts does not go into independently managed investment funds but is used to meet existing commitments.

9.   Most of the reserve, it decreed, would be used to meet regular costs in the budget.

10.   Richman said the certificates also can be used to meet income qualifications and move buyers into more expensive homes.

v. + meet >>共 294
rush 5.00%
use 3.72%
travel 2.95%
seed 2.82%
rise 2.44%
work 2.31%
expand 2.18%
tailor 2.05%
spend 1.92%
will 1.79%
use + v. >>共 1194
make 6.49%
treat 2.74%
help 2.61%
pay 1.94%
buy 1.44%
be 1.40%
produce 1.34%
build 1.26%
finance 1.25%
create 1.11%
meet 0.16%
每页显示:    共 29