1.   The metal is then minutely examined to ensure there are no cracks.

2.   The crop will be examined to ensure that the potatoes have not been altered in any way other than in their new ability to manufacture the lectin protein.

3.   Before going through the training each Ranger volunteer is examined to ensure that they are physically and mentally capable of enduring the stressful program.

4.   She also said the markings on Arizona police vehicles, and the placement of lights on them, will be examined to ensure they give the cruisers maximum visibility.

5.   Taft said during the debate that all state programs, including Medicaid, must be examined to ensure taxpayers get what they pay for.

v. + ensure >>共 276
work 11.00%
do 7.43%
can 5.36%
use 3.03%
act 2.34%
monitor 2.34%
check 1.65%
deploy 1.65%
intervene 1.38%
test 1.38%
examine 0.69%
examine + v. >>共 53
determine 16.13%
see 14.52%
happen 4.84%
ensure 4.03%
confirm 3.23%
make 3.23%
be 3.23%
use 3.23%
go 2.42%
seize 2.42%
每页显示:    共 5