work ensure 5.27   He said thousands of people had to work to ensure his safety.
  do ensure 3.55   How is the group doing to ensure its survival now?
  can ensure 2.57   The doctors are doing everything they can to ensure the child will be born healthy.
  use ensure 1.45   A pulley block was used to ensure the safety of this manoeuvre.
  act ensure 1.12   Lissouba said he acted to ensure peace during the campaign.
  monitor ensure 1.12   They will be monitored to ensure that they can adapt to the local climate.
  check ensure 0.79   The ballots must later be checked to ensure their authenticity.
  deploy ensure 0.79   Three thousand police were deployed to ensure order.
  intervene ensure 0.66   IFOR units could be called on to intervene to ensure these incidents do not escalate as they have on several occasions in the past days.
  test ensure 0.66   --Elementary school teachers must be tested to ensure they know how to teach reading.
  monitoring ensure 0.59   South Korea had wanted more extensive monitoring to ensure the food aid reaches its intended recipients.
  fight ensure 0.53   But others see a patriot who fights to ensure Jews live in peace.
  establish ensure 0.46   Admission quotas based on race were established to ensure that the new schools were racially balanced.
  review ensure 0.46   One of the judges, Larry Zolob, said the scores need to be reviewed to ensure they were added up correctly.
  screen ensure 0.46   Wolfson, however, said all donations are screened to ensure they are legal and appropriate.
  set_up ensure 0.46   Such a fund is set up to ensure the retirement of bonds.
  create ensure 0.39   A system of financial controls and administration will be created to ensure transparency in government finances.
  cooperate ensure 0.33   Both have insisted on the need to cooperate to ensure the smooth transition in their key jobs.
  develop ensure 0.33   His hypothesis is that traditional institutions and attitudes developed to ensure survival.
  examine ensure 0.33   The metal is then minutely examined to ensure there are no cracks.
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