1.   At any rate, he evoked the era when Yugoslavia was a valued alternative to Russian-based communism.

2.   A review of the files evokes that era.

3.   Across the street at a National Park Visitors Center the still photographs of Birmingham and Selma by Charles Moore and James Karales evoke that era of strife and accomplishment.

4.   He and Elizabeth Dole met with former President and Mrs. Reagan Wednesday, evoking the era when Republican candidates were carefully scripted.

5.   It takes more than the reprinting of faded background research to evoke an era.

6.   Our escorts further evoked the era by wearing, for example, a sash or a capote, the latter a hooded cloak formed from a colorful blanket.

7.   The comparatively plain Edwardian silhouette evokes another era without diverting attention to it.

8.   The two of them, like the play itself, evoke another era altogether.

9.   They run the gamut from the good to the exquisite to the ugly, evoking an era of heated stylistic eclecticism in which everything old was new again.

10.   Tycoon II evokes that era in sepia tones, literally.

v. + era >>共 124
enter 12.22%
end 9.97%
define 6.11%
evoke 4.18%
dominate 2.57%
herald 2.57%
recall 2.57%
represent 2.57%
compare 2.25%
bring 1.93%
evoke + n. >>共 431
memory 9.48%
image 7.74%
feeling 3.77%
emotion 2.51%
sense 1.93%
sympathy 1.55%
reaction 1.55%
response 1.55%
kind 1.35%
era 1.26%
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