1.   Virtually anything waved around in the receptive fields of these cells will evoke a response under the right conditions.

2.   The use of worksheets on a site or museum visit evokes varied responses among teachers and museum education officers.

3.   And being reminded of that time evoked different responses from the members of Congress.

4.   Cooking meat evoked a response from Westerners and for people in the Midwest, it was the smell of farm animals.

5.   It will evoke pleasant responses from some, mildly annoyed reactions from others.

6.   The humor evokes a response on his part.

7.   Use the conflict to open up a dialogue on why girls dress this way, what it communicates to the world, what responses it might evoke.

8.   Will Simpson ever be able to stroll down a street and not evoke a response?

9.   Entering the house of art can evoke emotional responses.

10.   So far, their pleas have evoked no response from Ms. Gandhi.

v. + response >>共 489
receive 10.84%
get 7.90%
have 4.32%
await 2.87%
draw 2.80%
give 2.53%
file 2.40%
expect 2.06%
consider 1.99%
coordinate 1.93%
evoke 0.54%
evoke + n. >>共 431
memory 9.48%
image 7.74%
feeling 3.77%
emotion 2.51%
sense 1.93%
sympathy 1.55%
reaction 1.55%
response 1.55%
kind 1.35%
era 1.26%
每页显示:    共 16