1.   But the suit claims that escrow companies sometimes did not disburse all of the funds in the account and kept the money instead, collecting interest.

2.   Hone says escrow companies have an excellent safety record and their business is growing.

3.   If the buyer approves the merchandise, the escrow company mails the money to the seller.

4.   When the money arrives, the escrow company informs the seller, who ships the object.

5.   He now works for an escrow title company in the Northern California community of Santa Rosa.

n. + company >>共 616
oil 7.16%
tobacco 4.21%
phone 4.02%
drug 3.30%
telephone 3.20%
technology 2.72%
software 2.45%
telecommunication 2.34%
construction 2.13%
service 2.10%
escrow 0.01%
escrow + n. >>共 44
account 65.02%
service 6.50%
system 3.10%
fund 2.79%
arrangement 1.86%
plan 1.86%
agreement 1.55%
company 1.55%
money 1.24%
agent 0.93%
每页显示:    共 5