1.   In addition, any team over the luxury tax number cannot receive any of the escrow money.

2.   Instead, it is pooled with other escrow money in a bank account that pays no interest.

3.   Still, if escrow money refunded begins to balance out money lost on luxury tax, how is using an exception such a huge deal?

4.   If the targeted number had been exceeded, a portion of the escrow money would be returned to the owners and the rest would go back to the players.

n. + money >>共 836
prize 8.21%
drug 6.55%
government 6.27%
taxpayer 4.91%
tax 4.14%
campaign 3.92%
aid 2.16%
grant 1.85%
ransom 1.83%
tobacco 1.60%
escrow 0.06%
escrow + n. >>共 44
account 65.02%
service 6.50%
system 3.10%
fund 2.79%
arrangement 1.86%
plan 1.86%
agreement 1.55%
company 1.55%
money 1.24%
agent 0.93%
每页显示:    共 4