1.   BBoth men emerged from racist societies as champions of equal rights.

2.   Be tolerant, they have an equal right to life.

3.   Both husband and wife had equal rights to divorce in Roman society.

4.   But their equal rights were not to justice.

5.   Equal rights for women were necessary to remedy the injustices done to them over the centuries.

6.   Every individual should have equal political rights.

7.   Guarantee equal rights for gay men and lesbians through changes to criminal law, anti-discrimination legislation and police practices.

8.   Homosexual men and women are campaigning for equal rights.

9.   In many countries, women do not have equal rights with men.

10.   It is also passionately concerned with the cult of the Black Virgin and has a remarkable record of equal rights for women.

a. + right >>共 513
constitutional 6.57%
gay 6.19%
animal 5.91%
religious 4.43%
legal 4.20%
exclusive 3.68%
equal 3.02%
voting 3.00%
far 2.14%
individual 1.86%
equal + n. >>共 680
right 7.78%
number 6.65%
part 5.19%
amount 4.72%
access 4.34%
footing 4.02%
treatment 3.84%
protection 2.89%
partner 2.77%
pay 2.35%
每页显示:    共 389