1.   Horizontal equity is the equal treatment of equals, and vertical equity the unequal treatment of unequals.

2.   Maybe blacks will start getting equal treatment in the justice system.

3.   So, the government was not inclined to insist on equal treatment.

4.   The difference among educational groups in expectations of equal treatment by the police is similarly high in both countries.

5.   The law requires equal treatment for all, regardless of race, religion, or sex.

6.   We want to ensure equal treatment for everyone.

7.   The courts and tribunals were made responsible for ensuring the smooth running of electoral campaigns and equal treatment of candidates.

8.   Under the proposed exemptions, the USA would refuse to guarantee equal treatment, or most-favoured-nation status, to its trade partners in these sectors.

9.   In the absence of and equal treatment directive, the expectations of disabled people to equality of employment opportunity in Europe rest upon frail foundations.

a. + treatment >>共 634
medical 15.67%
special 4.36%
new 3.57%
preferential 3.57%
better 1.98%
effective 1.79%
equal 1.66%
same 1.50%
psychiatric 1.44%
emergency 1.32%
equal + n. >>共 680
right 7.78%
number 6.65%
part 5.19%
amount 4.72%
access 4.34%
footing 4.02%
treatment 3.84%
protection 2.89%
partner 2.77%
pay 2.35%
每页显示:    共 192