1.   Employers cannot hire illegal aliens.

2.   Employers hire skilled people on fixed-term contracts.

3.   Among other changes, the laws make it easier for employers to hire temporary workers and to pay them, in some cases, less than the minimum wage.

4.   And the law has been difficult to enforce, in part because the government has had a hard time proving that employers knowingly hired illegal immigrants.

5.   Before World War I, he expressed the belief, then surprising but now conventional wisdom, that profits are what make employers hire, generating other blessings.

6.   Blacks turned to drug dealing, he said, because employers would not hire them.

7.   A survey this year by Express Personnel Services, an employment agency, found that only one in four employers would hire a former convict.

8.   AARP opposed the Boehner bill mainly because it would let employers hire the same company that administers its retirement plan to give participants investment advice.

9.   But employers are not hiring many people.

10.   Employers hired new workers at a surprisingly robust pace last month and had to pay substantially more to find them, the government reported Friday.

n. + hire >>共 540
company 20.37%
government 3.19%
firm 2.92%
family 2.34%
team 2.26%
employer 2.22%
school 1.68%
city 1.52%
bank 1.48%
owner 1.32%
employer + v. >>共 669
be 10.13%
have 6.18%
pay 3.43%
say 3.05%
offer 2.93%
provide 2.14%
want 1.89%
make 1.86%
hire 1.42%
use 1.39%
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