1.   Atkin was working at a bookstore and bought all the McCullers books using her employee discount.

2.   Back at Newport Centre Mall, even sales people who get generous employee discounts were wishing they could flee to New York with their credit cards.

3.   A sister who works at House of Fabrics in Simi Valley was able to use an employee discount.

4.   The benefits include hearing the new releases before practically anyone, getting employee discounts on CDs and meeting new people.

5.   The district also worked out a slew of employee discounts with businesses in the city.

6.   The most wanted jobs are at stores with great employee discounts.

7.   They also can buy computers for the school with an employee discount.

8.   But he just accepted a summer job at his favorite clothing store, drawn by the employee discounts.

n. + discount >>共 151
volume 10.98%
price 10.02%
group 5.25%
bulk 3.58%
offer 3.58%
fare 3.34%
drug 2.39%
travel 2.15%
rate 2.15%
employee 1.91%
employee + n. >>共 564
benefit 6.38%
plan 4.40%
program 3.53%
union 3.35%
group 2.89%
morale 2.48%
ownership 1.61%
hostage 1.56%
turnover 1.47%
contribution 1.47%
discount 0.37%
每页显示:    共 8