1.   Big firms can negotiate bulk discounts on supplies, such as food and fuel, and even, if they order enough of them, on ships.

2.   According to one institutional shareholder, the additional systems helped Adelphia obtain bulk discounts when buying equipment.

3.   But Alvino rejected those arguments, saying that USAD offers bulk discounts and is a nonprofit organization with no objectives of making large amounts of money.

4.   Even among the entrepreneurs, there are daily and hourly rates, bulk discounts, and mileage allowances for car travel.

5.   For companies, an important part of the calculation is the bulk discounts that can be negotiated.

6.   Joao Bosco Rodriguez, its owner, is busy signing deals with the moto-taxi union and the city government for bulk discounts.

7.   New lightweight cassette shells keep down mailing costs, and the Postal Service offers sorting services and bulk discounts.

8.   SmartMail negotiates bulk shipping discounts with a variety of carriers.

9.   The deregulation will fuel the growth of international phone service providers, which take advantage of bulk discounts and low Internet access charges to offer big discounts to consumers.

10.   These bulk discounts, while potentially depressing for revenue growth in the short term, will increase revenue and earnings stability in the long term, Brown said.

n. + discount >>共 151
volume 10.98%
price 10.02%
group 5.25%
bulk 3.58%
offer 3.58%
fare 3.34%
drug 2.39%
travel 2.15%
rate 2.15%
employee 1.91%
bulk + n. >>共 180
carrier 7.77%
sale 4.38%
purchase 3.78%
mail 3.19%
discount 2.99%
mailer 2.39%
order 2.39%
commodity 2.19%
chemical 1.99%
quantity 1.99%
每页显示:    共 15