1.   All of us do have good educational backgrounds.

2.   All students, regardless of their educational backgrounds, come with some basic observations and knowledge about science.

3.   Because of the diversity of duties and levels of responsibility, their educational backgrounds and experience vary considerably.

4.   If they are beginning their training, what is their educational background?

5.   Managers come from a variety of educational backgrounds.

6.   Otley found that a rising proportion of senior army officers had elite educational backgrounds.

7.   The interviewer will ask you about your educational background and work experience.

8.   Undifferentiated comparisons which ignore parental occupations and educational backgrounds and environmental conditions like housing are also of very limited value.

9.   Parents who wanted to find a spouse for their son or daughter asked a marriage counselor to find someone with the right qualities, including age and educational background.

10.   The end result is that disabled persons must have the requisite skills, educational background, experience and other qualifications for the job.

a. + background >>共 877
criminal 5.84%
ethnic 5.33%
different 5.20%
military 2.55%
family 2.49%
similar 2.12%
white 1.90%
educational 1.80%
extensive 1.77%
diverse 1.50%
educational + n. >>共 648
program 7.75%
system 5.42%
institution 5.36%
opportunity 3.95%
software 2.86%
material 2.72%
reform 1.95%
standard 1.69%
background 1.47%
experience 1.27%
每页显示:    共 67