1.   Third, a Market economy can experience major economic cycles.

2.   The economy experienced a decline of two million jobs.

3.   The more enterprising economies experience a gain whilst industries located in less enterprising countries languish.

4.   Why do economies experience cyclical fluctuations?

5.   Before the attack, the economy was experiencing a record economy, he said.

6.   Bond investors expect the Fed to sit on its hands amid government surveys suggesting the economy is experiencing moderate growth.

7.   For now, though, the U.S. economy is experiencing an almost ideal combination of continued growth, tame consumer prices and a low unemployment rate.

8.   Given all that, the Boston Fed Bank president said, the economy should be experiencing accelerating inflation.

9.   In Europe, many economies are still experiencing sluggish economies.

10.   Peruvian stocks dropped as investors sought clued about whether economic indicators will confirm that the economy is experiencing a lasting recovery.

n. + experience >>共 604
country 4.43%
people 4.19%
company 4.14%
patient 3.37%
woman 2.41%
child 2.27%
industry 2.27%
economy 1.88%
market 1.83%
visitor 1.30%
economy + v. >>共 452
be 18.14%
grow 7.05%
slow 6.93%
continue 4.27%
recover 2.59%
remain 2.43%
show 1.88%
improve 1.86%
expand 1.75%
have 1.54%
experience 0.26%
每页显示:    共 39