1.   Within the hall, simulators allow visitors to experience the excitement of a bobsled run or ski jump.

2.   Audio visual and special effects will allow visitors to realistically experience life at sea.

3.   Also, visitors can experience the canyon at a cowboy morning breakfast with campfire coffee, pancakes and a splendid sunrise.

4.   Any visitor could experience the magic of gliding through the space.

5.   Both offer paddle-boat tours that let visitors experience the blue water, the smogless sky and the tall pines that seem to link the two places.

6.   But instead, visitors have often experienced the sound of silence.

7.   By spending the night in a hogan, visitors experience how the Navajos have lived for centuries.

8.   Designers planning the restoration of the memorial want visitors to experience trench warfare and the sounds of battle at night.

9.   Epernay and Rheims both consider themselves the capital of Champagne, and if possible a visitor should experience them both.

10.   He declined to let a visitor experience an infusion of his ki, saying it would be dangerous for a person who had not had the proper training.

n. + experience >>共 604
country 4.43%
people 4.19%
company 4.14%
patient 3.37%
woman 2.41%
child 2.27%
industry 2.27%
economy 1.88%
market 1.83%
visitor 1.30%
visitor + v. >>共 802
be 12.38%
have 4.54%
see 4.17%
come 3.12%
find 2.69%
take 1.89%
say 1.62%
get 1.56%
walk 1.56%
enter 1.48%
experience 0.55%
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