1.   This recipe is a good approximation and a whole lot easier to accomplish.

2.   A lot easier to handle.

3.   And a lot easier going to Turner Field Wednesday, for the last time of this series, up one than down one.

4.   And baseball is making it a heck of a lot easier to figure out what to do with it.

5.   And I think that makes for the airflow to travel around me a lot easier without coiling in too many little spots.

6.   A lot easier.

7.   A lot easier is what they are.

8.   A self-conscious generational anthem goes down a lot easier with a big beat and a surging melody.

9.   But bee tracking is now a lot easier, thanks to a radar technique in which the insect is outfitted with a tiny antenna-transponder.

10.   But emulating TR is a lot easier said than done.

a. + lot >>共 636
whole 21.38%
awful 13.54%
vacant 8.60%
empty 3.19%
longer 2.47%
better 2.44%
small 1.55%
easier 1.32%
back 1.09%
large 1.05%
easier + n. >>共 407
time 16.86%
access 10.59%
way 6.00%
lot 2.66%
task 2.20%
target 2.13%
credit 1.73%
path 1.73%
life 1.60%
job 1.20%
每页显示:    共 40