1.   Most of them have been around a lot longer.

2.   The journey took a lot longer than we had anticipated.

3.   This can be annoying sometimes because jobs that would only take a little while can often take a lot longer.

4.   They will be slightly more expensive but they last a lot longer.

5.   For a lot longer than that, the French themselves have viewed the driver from Marseilles as the most horrific encounter possible, except for an English breakfast.

6.   But it takes a lot longer than a year to get rid of a bad reputation.

7.   The guy did it know what I mean, but just takes a hell of a lot longer to mix like.

8.   And he hopes his season lasts a whole lot longer than the last two.

9.   And it goes on a lot longer.

10.   And now it looks like they could be waiting a lot longer.

a. + lot >>共 636
whole 21.38%
awful 13.54%
vacant 8.60%
empty 3.19%
longer 2.47%
better 2.44%
small 1.55%
easier 1.32%
back 1.09%
large 1.05%
longer + n. >>共 1164
term 10.14%
period 6.67%
hour 4.34%
time 2.38%
sentence 2.09%
maturity 1.87%
life 1.53%
lot 1.41%
run 1.24%
distance 1.13%
每页显示:    共 75