1.   Tourism was of great importance and added to the earning capacity of many full-time and part-time farms.

2.   But unlike Mrs. Snider, she knows that her earning capacity as a chemical researcher will get her off welfare quickly after graduation.

3.   Her earning capacity will in the future be diminished, if not completely eliminated.

4.   Millions of Americans will be in danger of being laid off, fired, forced into early retirement, downsized, or otherwise diminished in their earning capacity.

5.   Ram, a former clerk in a state government, has been charged with possessing assets exceeding his earning capacity.

6.   Mrs Fung is seeking damages for her injuries, lower earning capacity caused by her psychological problems and for the loss of her husband.

a. + capacity >>共 651
full 7.57%
excess 6.90%
manufacturing 3.12%
generating 3.09%
official 2.75%
new 2.59%
refining 2.19%
limited 1.96%
private 1.59%
spare 1.56%
earning 0.20%
earning + n. >>共 57
power 27.41%
potential 18.78%
estimate 5.08%
report 3.55%
capacity 3.05%
asset 2.03%
news 2.03%
warning 2.03%
ability 1.52%
interest 1.52%
每页显示:    共 6