full capacity 15.01   Some factories are already at full capacity.
  excess capacity 13.69   How much excess capacity exists?
  manufacturing capacity 6.19   The shortfall reflects manufacturing capacity constraints.
  generating capacity 6.12   The region has excess generating capacity anyway.
  official capacity 5.46   In our official capacities that is all that we need do.
  new capacity 5.13   But so has new capacity.
  refining capacity 4.34   Why is refining capacity inadequate?
  limited capacity 3.88   The hospitals have a limited capacity.
  private capacity 3.16   Jackson was at the meeting in a private capacity.
  spare capacity 3.09   Many companies have spare capacity.
  greater capacity 2.96   They have a greater capacity to surprise.
  mental capacity 2.90   His mental capacity is amazing.
  industrial capacity 2.83   Its remaining industrial capacity was being dismantled.
  increased capacity 2.63   Increased capacity may not be met by bumper demand.
  productive capacity 2.44   Efficiency in the way productive capacity was used would have to be increased.
  additional capacity 2.37   Additional capacity is on the way.
  high capacity 2.30   Slow speed, high pumping capacity.
  human capacity 2.17   The human capacity for failure seems superhuman.
  advisory capacity 1.84   Zampese is expected to be used in some advisory capacity.
  seating capacity 1.84   Its screening rooms have different seating capacities.
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