1.   Another example would be a fever with a dry mouth but no thirst.

2.   He pushed into the dry toothless mouth that constricted like the elastic cuff of a pajama sleeve.

3.   I notice that you show jump ... does your horse suffer from a dry mouth condition?

4.   The tablet treats radiation-induced dry mouth in head and neck cancer patients.

5.   Thirstlessness is usual even with a fever or the dry mouth which is also commonly present.

6.   We have all had a shaky hand and a dry mouth before speaking in public.

7.   The most common symptoms were headache, constipation, dry mouth, impotence or decreased libido, hair loss, diarrhoea, and pruritus.

8.   Specific questioning showed symptoms of dry eyes and dry mouth.

9.   The Sjgren or Sicca syndrome usually presents clinically with symptoms of a dry mouth and dry eyes.

a. + mouth >>共 285
big 9.27%
dry 8.08%
open 6.75%
full 5.56%
wide 5.17%
gaping 2.78%
hungry 1.72%
bloody 1.32%
little 1.32%
new 1.19%
dry + n. >>共 781
weather 12.42%
spell 6.50%
ingredient 6.15%
condition 5.61%
season 5.45%
air 3.94%
eye 1.36%
mouth 1.18%
skin 1.07%
cloth 1.07%
每页显示:    共 61