1.   A whole group of connotations, arising from our knowledge of the drug culture, then settles on the music.

2.   This is the easy familiarity of school children of all ages with the drug culture.

3.   Along the way, we get to experience Vietnam, the emergence of the drug culture, free love, gay liberation and some good old-fashioned philandering.

4.   A John Doe who uses and becomes mired in the drug culture inherits a more ominous fate.

5.   But behind the image on the videotape is a tale of a middle-class family torn apart, with brother turned against brother in a violent drug culture.

6.   But he emphasized that this drug culture thrives only in small portion of the gay community.

7.   But not all drug cultures use the same tools.

8.   Clearly, poor communities are ravaged by the drug culture.

9.   Dealing with these sons of the drug culture is not going to be easy, he said.

n. + culture >>共 473
youth 6.82%
consumer 3.60%
business 3.22%
drug 3.00%
cell 2.47%
celebrity 2.32%
world 2.25%
car 2.10%
work 1.72%
medium 1.50%
drug + n. >>共 541
company 5.40%
use 5.37%
trafficker 5.22%
dealer 4.60%
test 3.79%
trade 2.64%
charge 2.46%
abuse 2.39%
addict 2.07%
user 1.82%
culture 0.13%
每页显示:    共 40