1.   From the perspective of youth culture and pop music two aspects of this are significant.

2.   The magazine is devoted to rock music, fashion, and other aspects of youth culture.

3.   This study aims to examine the role of Protestant working class youth culture in transmitting loyalist ethnic and political identity.

4.   Youth culture has impregnated generation upon generation with half-baked alternatives.

5.   State authorities attempting to regulate youth culture are seen as little more than parent substitutes.

6.   Also disconcerting to Downs is the effect the youth culture has on local television news.

7.   Americans, who live in the global epicenter of the youth culture, are stuck in a state of permanent adolescence.

8.   Americans may have an especially hard time giving up their youth culture.

9.   And the youth culture tells kids to retaliate when they feel dissed.

n. + culture >>共 473
youth 6.82%
consumer 3.60%
business 3.22%
drug 3.00%
cell 2.47%
celebrity 2.32%
world 2.25%
car 2.10%
work 1.72%
medium 1.50%
youth + n. >>共 441
group 8.29%
program 5.42%
movement 4.56%
violence 4.21%
center 3.39%
team 3.21%
culture 3.14%
league 2.38%
organization 2.14%
leader 2.07%
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