1.   America is upset that the draft declaration is too hard on Israel.

2.   Participants in the Nairobi conference, organized by the World Conference on Religion and Peace, circulated a draft declaration of principles on Monday that acknowledges similar shortcomings.

3.   WORLD RACISM TALKS RESUME Delegates in Geneva began trying to hammer out a draft declaration to be adopted at a U.N. conference on racism this summer.

4.   Yet the draft declaration of APEC leaders neither mentions free trade nor the target dates for achieving it, according to a report in the International Herald Tribune.

5.   A draft declaration said they will strengthen cooperation on banking and finance policy, capital market regulation, taxation and public finance, and customs and insurance regulations.

6.   A new, restricted draft declaration will be presented to member nations on Wednesday.

7.   After hearing the chief U.N. weapons inspector say Iraq was expanding off-limits areas, U.S. Ambassador Bill Richardson said the United States would circulate a draft declaration Friday.

8.   ASEAN diplomats were considering a draft declaration calling for China to halt its oil exploration until a peaceful settlement was reached.

9.   Both incidents highlighted the host of controversies surrounding the conference and its draft declaration before it even begins Friday.

10.   Bush decided against sending Powell to the conference because of language in a draft final declaration that critics say is anti-Semitic and designed to embarrass Israel.

n. + declaration >>共 101
disaster 15.42%
draft 11.67%
statehood 8.54%
independence 5.42%
peace 4.58%
summit 4.58%
cease-fire 4.17%
security 3.33%
custom 2.92%
conference 2.71%
draft + n. >>共 406
pick 18.40%
choice 10.20%
resolution 7.34%
law 6.41%
agreement 3.92%
day 3.50%
report 2.70%
bill 2.37%
legislation 2.34%
plan 2.20%
declaration 0.91%
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