1.   And European and Canadian officials warned that they too might abandon the process if such language was ultimately included in the conference declaration.

2.   If the U.S. representatives cannot rally the meeting to endorse a sensible and humane set of principles, they can withhold U.S. support for the final conference declaration.

3.   Most black Americans doubt that a call for reparations will appear in the conference declaration or plan of action.

4.   The European offer came Friday afternoon, when Michel presented African diplomats with new language for the proposed conference declaration.

5.   But Indian officials lobbied, and succeeded, in keeping it off the conference declaration.

6.   But many African leaders and African-American organizations have fought to get the issue back on the agenda and included in a final conference declaration.

7.   EU sets deadline for progress on conference declaration.

8.   He was referring to Japanese attempts to insert criticism of the United States in the final conference declaration.

9.   Secretary of State Colin Powell has decided not to attend because the administration is disturbed by anti-Israel language in the conference declaration.

10.   The conference declaration called for governments and international organizations to provide more funding and new ways to help financing of projects in developing countries.

n. + declaration >>共 101
disaster 15.42%
draft 11.67%
statehood 8.54%
independence 5.42%
peace 4.58%
summit 4.58%
cease-fire 4.17%
security 3.33%
custom 2.92%
conference 2.71%
conference + n. >>共 437
committee 15.10%
room 11.42%
final 5.08%
game 4.27%
center 4.22%
table 3.68%
tournament 3.04%
participant 2.56%
hall 2.29%
organizer 2.16%
declaration 0.25%
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