1.   Divorce is an agony of divided loyalties for children.

2.   He has reached the point where he will not tolerate any further evidence of divided loyalties.

3.   His divided loyalties placed him in a dilemma.

4.   She felt divided loyalties, having friends on both sides of the dispute.

5.   The war has created divided loyalties in many families, setting brother against brother and father against son.

6.   There is no indication or evidence that under such circumstances contact can be confusing or lead to divided loyalties.

7.   Another working theatrical director, who might suffer, like Wager, from divided loyalty?

8.   At campuses across the United States, foreign students like Shaath are facing commencement not only as a new beginning but with anxiety, tension and divided loyalties.

9.   Because of my divided loyalties about what constitutes appropriate attire, I think I am the perfect barometer for the approaching fashion storm.

10.   Black women have been caught in the middle with divided loyalties and interests.

a. + loyalty >>共 321
party 13.06%
political 7.07%
divided 4.22%
fierce 3.83%
personal 2.75%
strong 2.55%
tribal 2.16%
family 1.67%
corporate 1.57%
unswerving 1.57%
divided + n. >>共 223
city 13.16%
island 10.77%
peninsula 8.38%
government 4.70%
country 4.23%
nation 3.61%
state 3.07%
town 3.07%
loyalty 2.93%
opposition 2.66%
每页显示:    共 43