1.   This is a divided nation, where the fault-lines are fresh, sharp and deep.

2.   The issue has created a deeply divided nation.

3.   America is a deeply divided nation, and the Supreme Court has shown itself to be corrupt.

4.   Both crises brought a divided nation together in a common cause.

5.   Either George W. Bush or Al Gore will lead a profoundly divided nation.

6.   Few elections, certainly none in Russia, have provided a sharper choice to a more openly divided nation.

7.   From Brentwood to the Bronx, a divided nation groans in unison.

8.   He was a war leader whose personal strength held together a divided nation.

9.   How we meet that challenge will go a long way toward healing our divided nation.

10.   In some ways the lack of definition might be a blessing now, allowing him to adjust to the divided nation.

a. + nation >>共 477
the 5.53%
african 5.16%
developing 4.40%
european 4.33%
western 3.70%
asian 3.57%
arab 3.14%
industrialized 2.61%
caribbean 2.23%
southeast_asian 2.05%
divided 0.25%
divided + n. >>共 223
city 13.16%
island 10.77%
peninsula 8.38%
government 4.70%
country 4.23%
nation 3.61%
state 3.07%
town 3.07%
loyalty 2.93%
opposition 2.66%
每页显示:    共 53