1.   It may be noted, however, that disputes among solicitors as to what property belongs to their firm are comparatively rarely encountered.

2.   Another part would be the settlement of internal disputes among terrorists and their supporters.

3.   At issue is a dispute among Native American tribes over lucrative gambling franchises.

4.   At the very least, Garber said, patients should be aware of the disputes among experts about the use of certain diagnostic tests.

5.   A dispute among plaintiffs has been a significant hurdle to settlement talks, people close to the discussions said.

6.   A few more rounds of kava and the world would seem a happier place, where all people are friends and the disputes among them seem comically insignificant.

7.   But as U.S. involvement in their former country has grown, disputes among the ethnic groups have intensified.

8.   But issues like declining sperm counts are a matter of heated dispute among experts.

9.   But Phillips said that fact was coincidental and blamed the increasing violence in the Chenalho area on religious and tribal disputes among groups of Indians.

10.   But she does have an in-house dispute among her teen-age children.

n. + among >>共 1306
support 2.52%
concern 2.29%
competition 1.72%
debate 1.01%
casualty 0.99%
difference 0.97%
fear 0.96%
cooperation 0.94%
chief 0.92%
rate 0.81%
dispute 0.50%
dispute + p. >>共 69
over 36.25%
with 21.68%
between 18.41%
in 5.41%
about 2.47%
among 1.82%
to 1.59%
at 1.57%
on 1.55%
through 1.09%
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