1.   Competition among capitalist entrepreneurs fostered these rapid advances.

2.   Competition among team members eats away the very underpinnings of successful teamwork.

3.   However, a surplus or excess supply still exists and competition among sellers will once again bid down the price of corn.

4.   In the classical liberal view trade unions, like business monopolies, are impediments to competition among producers in the free Marketplace.

5.   Increased competition among airlines will prove to be a boon to tourists.

6.   It did not produce new concepts or frameworks, although it did prevent unneeded competition among essentially identical approaches bearing different names.

7.   Jim McCrery, R-La., said competition among oil companies would guarantee lower prices for consumers.

8.   Of course, there is intense competition among the London brokerage houses to signal their bids as fast as possible.

9.   Often, as in household products or industrial chemicals, hot competition among affiliates of big multinationals ensures both growth and cost-competitiveness.

10.   One reason for this change is the greater competition among banks and the more aggressive lending policies that ensue.

n. + among >>共 1306
support 2.52%
concern 2.29%
competition 1.72%
debate 1.01%
casualty 0.99%
difference 0.97%
fear 0.96%
cooperation 0.94%
chief 0.92%
rate 0.81%
competition + p. >>共 78
from 22.31%
in 20.98%
for 18.22%
with 7.54%
among 6.14%
between 5.02%
on 2.74%
at 2.56%
by 1.85%
to 1.84%
每页显示:    共 587