1.   As disaster scenarios go, this one is pretty simple.

2.   Disaster scenarios are starting to look plausible.

3.   Eventually, though, the pair will simulate disaster scenarios that would affect the entire country.

4.   For the future, however, it would be folly to dismiss the disaster scenario.

5.   Having two legitimate starting quarterbacks available to you on Super Sunday is not exactly a disaster scenario.

6.   Strategists see a potential disaster scenario in several key swing states where enough liberal-leaning voters who might normally pick Gore will instead show their love for Nader.

7.   Disaster scenarios were played out at the Louisiana Superdome on Thursday as New Orleans officials practiced their response to the possibility of terrorist attacks during the Super Bowl.

8.   Under the disaster scenario, a wildfire breaks out and rapidly escalates into a broader disaster.

n. + scenario >>共 246
nightmare 11.90%
doomsday 8.14%
trade 2.30%
playoff 1.88%
disaster 1.67%
recovery 1.67%
growth 1.46%
dream 1.46%
market 1.25%
say 1.25%
disaster + n. >>共 235
relief 12.12%
site 6.44%
official 5.56%
zone 5.32%
aid 4.85%
declaration 4.37%
assistance 3.13%
victim 3.01%
team 2.84%
movie 2.78%
scenario 0.47%
每页显示:    共 8