1.   ...the doomsday scenario of civil war between the two factions.

2.   The book explores a doomsday scenario in which an asteroid hits the Earth.

3.   Already, the PRI, abetted by the financial community, has advanced a doomsday scenario of a Cardenas victory.

4.   And the crisis atmosphere is so artificial that the film makers reportedly considered two different explanations for a doomsday scenario.

5.   Anyone who thinks all this global market turmoil is mostly about devalued currencies, deflation and doomsday scenarios should try to check in with Anwar Ibrahim.

6.   A look at some high-tech doomsday scenarios involving robotics, nanotechnology and genetic engineering.

7.   But he sees no doomsday scenario.

8.   Even so, the doomsday scenarios of a global financial meltdown seem more remote these days.

9.   Even if you dismiss their doomsday scenario as political posturing, throwing the system into chaos year after year is foolish.

10.   Forget for a moment the doomsday scenario of computers crashing in tandem as their internal clocks freak out.

n. + scenario >>共 246
nightmare 11.90%
doomsday 8.14%
trade 2.30%
playoff 1.88%
disaster 1.67%
recovery 1.67%
growth 1.46%
dream 1.46%
market 1.25%
say 1.25%
doomsday + n. >>共 94
cult 43.75%
scenario 9.75%
sect 7.25%
guru 2.25%
prediction 2.25%
member 1.50%
leader 1.50%
group 1.25%
talk 1.25%
weapon 1.25%
每页显示:    共 39