1.   -- Creamy salad dressings work well with broccoli florets, diced cooked meats such as chicken breast, ham and turkey breast, cooked asparagus pieces and cauliflower.

2.   Dice lobster meat and set aside.

3.   Dice meat into -inch cubes.

4.   Remove the skin and dice the meat.

v. + meat >>共 431
eat 11.79%
sell 4.49%
remove 3.89%
cook 2.95%
cut 2.22%
buy 2.05%
add 1.92%
place 1.88%
serve 1.88%
have 1.84%
dice 0.17%
dice + n. >>共 54
onion 10.75%
tomato 9.68%
pepper 5.38%
potato 5.38%
apple 4.30%
meat 4.30%
flesh 3.23%
avocado 2.15%
butter 2.15%
carrot 2.15%
每页显示:    共 4